Sunday, March 4, 2012

Many Vets Coming Back from Iraq and Afghanistan Want Marijuana Legalized. They KNOW that it's the SOLUTION for PTSD.

The thought of a soldier who served in Iraq NOT being able to "choose" an  organic option for PTSD is just not right. 

I believe in FREEDOM

When I lived in Amsterdam smoking pot for recreational reasons was NOT my thing.  Although during the trial of the Lockerbie bomber I got VERY stressed, had nightmares and suffered anxiety (I could NOT talk about any thing that I learned from my previous life as a research worker) to "ease the stresss I ate space cake.  

It was legal and I NEVER drove it was organic and I never harmed anyone.  Space Cake was not a gateway to other drugs it was just an "organic" form of self medicating & it took the  "edge" off &
I was able to control my PTSD in a way that was PRIVATE.

"Space cakes" is a common name for muffins, brownies, and cookies baked with marijuana. They're very popular in the Netherlands, specifically Amsterdam.

Americas troops deserve a "vacation from stress."    

Let Them Eat Cake

Since I'm Shopping for a state to "move to" I'm thinking of one that will allow me to go back to letting me practice an Organic solution to my PTSD.

The stress from "multiple" arrest and being "chained to a wall" at the Williamson County jail has caused my health to suffer flashbacks & hyperarousal

In a way the PTSD has helped me. I'm now very "alert" to details.

Also I'm more compassionate as a human being.

Because of the internet LOTS of resources have been available to me and I'm able to understand the anxiety disorder and I believe that congress should consider a "serious" study on marijuana & PTSD. It makes sense.... Let's look at legalizing (for medical reasons) and also taxing it.

Cannabis foods (including hash brownies and space cakes), are food products made with cannabis in herbal or resin form as an ingredient. They are consumed as an alternate delivery means to experience the effects of cannabinoids without smoking marijuana or hashish. Instead, the cannabinoids are put into cake, cookie, brownie, or other foods, and are consumed for recreational or medicinal purposes.
The Case for Treating PTSD in Veterans With Medical Marijuana

BY Martin Mulcahey Jan 17 2012

Studies have already shown the benefits of marijuana for those suffering from PTSD, but can our government agencies be convinced?

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