Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mark Silverman "indirectly" Connected (via his former Friend Freddy Woodruff) to ONLY CIA Guy Referred to on the Official SCCRC Investigation on the Lockerbie Bombing.

The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) is a non-departmental public body in Scotland, established by the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 (as amended by the Crime and Punishment (Scotland) Act 1997).

The Commission has the statutory power to refer cases dealt with on indictment(ie solemn cases) to the High Court of Justiciary. This was extended to include summary cases by Statutory Instrument on 31 March 1999,[1]immediately before the Commission took up its role in April 1999.

Though funded by the Scottish Government, investigations are carried out independently of Scottish Ministers, with the Commission being accountable to the Scottish Parliament on matters of finance and administration.

Above is WIKI definition:

Key findings from SCCRC report include CIA agent that Sharyn Bovat has blogged about a LONG time ago. This man is connected to Mark Silverman’s former neighbor and friend Freddy Woodruff.
Robert Baer a former high level CIA guy that inspired the movie Syriana believes Iran is involved with the Lockerbie bombing worked all over the Middle East & Europe (including Lebanon & Paris). He was told in August 1993 of the killing of CIA officer Fred Woodruff (Mark Silverman’s neighbor) in Tblisi, Georgia. Woodruff (Mark’s neighbor) had been in a car driven by….the head of personal security for Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze, Subsequently, it was found that the Russian mole in the CIA, Aldrich Ames (a bad spy) had met with Woodruff (Marks neighbor) shortly before, and had an argument
 1993 is the same year I was asked about going to Georgia for a democracy trip. Glad I did not go Aldrich Ames a bad spy was ratting out people (although he would not have know who I was or maybe not... I DO NOT KNOW WHO I WORKED FOR
A man connected to British intelligence confirmed that Ghosn’s friendship to Russian President Putin is connected to Russian Mafia. YES!!! Wonder why Renault and Autovaz are “so cozy”… Ghosn’s connected to mafias all over the world. 

YES mafias are “scary”but they are just business people who should really “pay more” taxes. I was told the history gets complicated in relationship to the CIA when drugs were sold to fund the Freedom Fighters.

Years ago “I said it was morally wrong”… nobody listened. I asked my grandfather what to do & he told me to take up golf.

Below is from an recent article in the Scotland Herald

The CIA agent: The only US investigator interviewed by the SCCRC, former CIA agent Robert Baer, reported intelligence indicating that the Iranian government had commissioned the PFLP-GC to bomb Pan Am 103. His sources suggested that two days after the bombing $11 million was transferred into a PFLP-GC Swiss bank account and a few months later $500,000 was paid into an account thought to belong to Abu Talb at the Degussa Bank in Frankfurt.

Overall, the SCCRC concluded:

…the Commission has no reason to doubt [Mr Baer’s] credibility. However, as he himself acknowledged, he has no direct knowledge of any of the information in his possession, which came largely from CIA telexes. As with all intelligence, the validity of that information was very much dependent upon the reliability of its source which in many cases Mr Baer was unable to vouch.

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